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Year: 1974

Thai title: เทพธิดาโรงแรม
English title: The Angel

Rating: 5/5
Director: ChatriChalerm Yukol

Main actor: Sorapong Chatree,Somphob Benjatikul
Main actress: Wiyada Umarin

It is about Malee, a Thai country girl, coming to Bangkok and forced to prostitution. She is the hotel angel as she is very kind to everybody. This movie shows the difficult life of prostitutes, i.e. being beaten by pimps, visiting unofficial abortionist in order to terminate unwanted pregnancy, committing suicide, being forced and humiliated by customers, fearing Police, difficulty to have a stable relationship with a man, getting deadly diseases, being denigrated by Thai society. Three girls are depicted. One girl, Malee, all you have to do is give her one smack and she's willing to be a prostitute. She said it's better than working in the fields. The phrase "มาลีเป็นกะหรี่ที่สวยที่สุด" (Malee is the most beautiful prostitute) remains one of the most famous iconic sentence from this movie. It is said by Malee's pimp (Sorapong Chatree). Another girl, you have to beat her up quite a bit before she's willing to be a prostitute. And the last one, the third girl, no matter what you do she won't be a prostitute. She'll jump down, kill herself, but you can't change her. Malee continues to stick to this life because she can have a place to live, food, money to send to her parents in order to build a house. In a famous movie sequence, Malee opens her blouse many times to show her nudity to customers and then her father in the same gesture opens his new home windows paid by Malee hardship. But Malee understands that she has no future as her youth is rushing away. She is not interested by becoming a pimp and grab younger girls so she decides to study tailoring. Being cheated by her boyfriend but having her diploma, Malee can hope for a brighter life and quit this job. Finally she reclaims her dignity. ChatriChalerm Yukol lived for nine months in a brothel when he was writing "The Angel". During the popular uprising on October 14 1973, ChatriChalerm Yukol was shooting this movie, then took the camera out and filmed the demonstration on Ratchadamnoen Avenue. The footage was inserted in the film and was a big success when the movie was shown. This movie has also been registered as National Heritage per the 2016 list released by the Thai Film Archive.

ThaiWorldView film database contains 1526 movies.
