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Year: 1988

Thai title: เขาชื่อกานต์
English title: Dr Karn

Rating: 4/5
Director: Ruj Ronnapop

Main actor: Waruth Woratum,Somsak Chaisongkram
Main actress: Jintara Sookkapat,Phong Lada Pimolpan

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This movie is a remake of the movie "Dr Karn" shot in 1973 but with new actors. The previous version was directed by ChatriChalerm Yukol. Doctor Karn (หมอ) is a new doctor with strong principles. He wishes to treat all people. There is no priority for rich people as he is a public doctor (หมอรัฐบาล). Doctor Kan gets scolded by his management for this. Modern doctors have no wish to go to Isan poor region in northeast of Thailand. During his childhood his mother died while his father was bringing her to the nearest doctor by an ox cart. In rural areas, there are a few doctors so people have to travel far. He meets Areuthai (หฤทัย), his future wife, in Bangkok. Doctor Karn’s dream is to be a rural doctor (หมอบ้านนอก) to help and support poor people in Isan area. Karn and Areuthai know each other for 3 months only and decide to marry. Areuthai’s former boyfriend, Thomon, is disappointed and promises to wait until Karn stops loving her. They go to Isan region in a remote village using train and local bus through bumpy roads and dry fields. The local district officer (นายอำเภอ) welcomes them. He is quite rigid on standards. But his subordinates are playing cards with other colleagues and villagers! Areuthai discovers life on rural side with no fridge and no oven. Life is difficult (ลำบาก) for Areuthai as she comes from a rich family in Bangkok. There is no electricity after 9pm. First crisis with the district officer happens as he sent the nurses to work away but they still get paid with their governmental salary shared 50% / 50% with them and the district officer. The doctor Karn discovers that local villagers have to pay again for medicine despite it is already paid by government (ยาให้ใช้ไม่ใช่ให้ขาย). He starts to very popular so causing displeasure to the district officer. Doctor Karn is just and fair (ยุติธรรม). His wife helps as a nurse. This movie is a critic of corrupted officers (ราชการ) who prevent the country to develop properly. Doctor Karn doesn't do this job for money but to help poor villagers. Doctor Karn is working for the villagers’ health benefit but the district officer is working for his own benefit. He refuses to authorize doctor Karn to open a nighttime station (สถานีอนามัย) in case of emergency. Villagers shall go to the doctor's home! Areuthai wishes to be back to Bangkok as she misses her expensive beauty creams and her mum. Doctor Karn has issue with illegal medicine seller protected by the district officer (หมอจะเดือดร้อน). The district officer's wife tries to brain wash Areuthai about having her own house and being able to have good a school abroad for children. How can Areuthai get this with the small salary of a rural doctor? Areuthai argues that doctor Karn doesn't love her as he doesn't wish to improve their living. Doctor Karn is divided between pleasing his wife and helping poor villagers to get access to healthcare. Areuthai goes back to Bangkok to make a break. Doctor Karn stays as he cannot leave his patients. Areuthai's friend asks her to convince doctor Karn to open a clinic in Bangkok. Money is easy here. The former boyfriend, Thomon (โตมร), still wants to meet Areuthai. Areuthai accepts to meet him but for friendship only as she is married. They have a car accident as Thomon is upset that Areuthai still wishes to back to countryside. Doctor is diligent to do his duty (หมอทำหน้าที่). The district officer is having an illegal casino and protects it through his clique (ลูกน้อง). A fight erupts and one is seriously injured. Doctor Karn can do nothing as he lost too much blood already. Only way is to send him to hospital. Doctor Karn is now aware of the casino. He starts to know too much things. Doctor Karn befriends with a local policeman who indulged in alcohol as he can do nothing to stop the district officer. One evening the doctor’s house is shot a few times as a threatening warning. Aware of the accident through a telegram, doctor Karn goes back to Bangkok and finds that Areuthai has lost memory due to accident. Thomon (ลูกเศรษฐี) doesn't want Areuthai to be back with doctor Karn so he organizes his mutation abroad. The doctor headmaster doesn’t understand obstinate doctor Karn regarding rural people (คนบ้านนอกโง่หลอกง่าย). He is forced to accept the post or be dismissed. The district officer is under corruption investigation (ถูกย้าย) and he believes doctor Karn denounced him to Bangkok authorities. Finally doctor Karn and Areuthai will go abroad. Doctor Karn needs to go back to countryside a last time to get back his belongings. His policeman friend wants him to help regarding unwanted pregnancy abortion but he cannot do as it is against law. If policemen don't respect law who will respect the law? He unfortunately doesn't come back as he is shot dead as a revenge of the district officer. Doctor Karn was a good man (เขาเป็นคนดี). This story was also adapted 2 times for television in 1980 and 2010.

ThaiWorldView film database contains 1526 movies.
