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Year: 1969

Thai title: ตาลเดี่ยว
English title:

Rating: 4/5
Director: Sor Asanajinda

Main actor: Sombat Methanee,Ruj Ronnapop,Tat Ekathat,Pan Borapet,Choomporn Theppitak,Sawin Sawangrat,Paen Pleumsachai,Daonoi Duangjai,Siripong Isarangkul
Main actress: Aranya Namwong,Metta Roongrat,Somjit Sapsamruey,Kaenjai Meenakanit

Thai movie ตาลเดี่ยว was released in year 1969 and lasts 2h50mn. It was released by Triple XxX company and features 3 VCD discs. The VCDs are mixing sequences based on 35mm format (songs) and sequences based on 16mm format (main movie needing dubbing as this format has originally no track sound). The movie features a few songs. Movie director is Sor Asanajinda. Many famous actors and actresses are featured in this movie such as Sombat Methanee, Aranya Namwong, Ruj Ronnapop, Somjit Sapsamruey, Metta Roongrat, Tat Ekathat, Pan Borapet, Choomporn Theppitak, Sawin Sawangrat, Kaenjai Meenakanit, Paen Pleumsachai, เมืองเริง ปัทมินทร์, Siripong Isarangkul, ขุนแผน ภุมมารักษ์, ถนอม นวลอนันต์, นวลศรี, แป้น ปลื้มสระไชย, ฉกาจ, บิ๊ฟ, พีระพล, ตาล, มานะชัย, Daonoi Duangjai. Dio (Sombat Methanee) and Kut (Ruj Ronnapop) are close friends. Dio's mother, Poei, is played by Somjit Sapsamruey. Kratin (Metta Roongrat) is Kut's sister and she loves Dio. Jamroon Nuatjim is Kratin's father. Tan (Aranya Namwong) is the daughter of subdistrict headman (กำนัน) Phet (Tat Ekathat). Dio's father died in subdistrict headman Phet’s garden before by falling from a tree while harvesting sugar palm. Phet forbids Dio to meet his daughter but he agrees to give him a job. Dio's mother is sick and they are running out of money. Kratin gives Dio 100 Baht to buy some medicine. Dio starts to work in Phet's garden to harvest sugar palm. Kratin helps him. Two ruffians (including Pan Borapet) working for subdistrict headman Phet makes joke about him and his relationship with Kratin. A fight occurs, and ruffians get beaten by Dio and Jamroon. They complain to subdistrict headman Phet but as Tan saw them, then Phet knows that both are lying and were looking for troubles first. They quit their work and promise to get revenge towards Dio. Plok (Choomporn Theppitak) wishes Tan to become his wife. He plans to abuse her with the help of the ruffians chased by Phet. Once abused (เสียแล้ว), he will ask for her hand and subdistrict headman Phet cannot refuse. Ladders to climb palm trees are damaged. Dio and Jamroon suspect the ruffians. One evening, Jamroon, being drunk, have arguments with Plok and his men. He gets severely beaten. Plok’s father is played by Sawin Sawangrat. Tamleung (Kaenjai Meenakanit) is another lady fond of Dio. Annual festival (งานประจำปี) occurs and features a boat race. Plok tries to kidnap Tan (ลูกตาล) but Dio helps her on time. Plok and his father have to apologize to subdistrict headman Phet and his daughter. Subdistrict headman Phet wishes to give money to Dio as a reward but he refuses. Dio and Tan declare love to each other. Kut, also loving Tan, has even a fight with Dio but recognises he was wrong to fight against his friend. Being jealous, Kratin complains to subdistrict headman Phet to break Dio and Tan relationship. Tan gets beaten by her father and is locked in her room. Dio escapes beating thanks to her mother but he loses his job in the orchard. They have to leave. Dio visits Tan in her room and they become lovers. About to leave by boat, Tan also comes and announces she is leaving her father as she loves Dio and is now his wife. Kratin and Kut are heartbroken. Dio and Tan take refuge in a relative home. Plok and his father announce to subdistrict headman Phet that they will help to find where Dio and Tan are hiding. Dio and Tan move to a relative's place, being a village leader called Duang. His wife, Mae Sri, is upset and afraid to have problems with subdistrict headman Phet so Dio, Tan and the mother move to Bangkok. Plok decides to kidnap Kratin in order to know where Dio is hiding. His father wishes to have Kratin becoming his minor wife. The issue turns badly as other ruffians fight with the father over Kratin. The father dies and Kut is able to release his sister. Life is harsh in Bangkok and Dio has to be tricycle and taxi driver. A child is born. After two years, they finally move back to Duang's place. Mae Sri informs subdistrict headman Phet, who kidnaps his own daughter with Plok's help. Dio, upset, goes to subdistrict headman Phet's house bringing his son. Phet refuses to Dio to see his wife and pushes him severely out. Hearing that Plok plans to rob subdistrict headman Phet’s house at night time by claiming being Dio, Dio has to help. One of his friends warns the police. Plok is killed during the fightings. Seeing that Dio is finally a good and brave man, sub district headman Phet agrees to an official wedding of Dio and Tan.

ThaiWorldView film database contains 1526 movies.
