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Year: 2006

Thai title: เด็กหอ
English title: Dorm

Rating: 5/5
Director: Songyos Sugmakanan

Main actor: Charlie Trairattana
Main actress: Jintara Sookkapat

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Chatree, young 7th grade pupil, is sent by his father in a dormitory in Chonburi. His father complains of his bad grades. Chatree doesn't want to go to the dormitory and be separated from his friends. The teacher Pranee (Jintara Sookkapat) welcomes him and emphasizes the strong rules to follow. Other pupils tell Chatree that the dorm is haunted as dogs howling can often be heard. Other students play jokes on him. Chatree refuses to answer to his father's phone calls. A few years ago a kid, called Vichien, drowned in the school's swimming pool. Chatree feels lonely and has only one friend Vichien. Only Chatree can see him as Vichien is a ghost. This week-end, his father cannot pick him up. He stays with his ghost friend Vichien. He escapes from school to assist to sport day and to meet the school cooker's daughter Pen. Chatree and Vichien have close relationship. At 6PM everyday Vichien jumps and drowns in the swimming pool. Vichien's father has been condemned for fraud and to 25 years of prison. Chatree wants to help Vichien to stop this infinite event and be able to rebirth again. The teacher Pranee feels bad as she believes she is responsable of Vichien's death. Vichien death was an accident. Chatree needs to risk and separates his spirit (วิญญาณ) from his body in order to be able to help his friend Vichien. Dorm movie has been nominated for 10 Thai Subhanahongsa awards. It got more than 50 millions baht revenue in Thai box office. It was directed by one of the 6 young directors from "แฟนฉัน" (My Girl).

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