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Year: 1969

Thai title: เจ้าแม่สาริกา
English title:

Rating: 3/5
Director: เชษฐ ชัยชนะ

Main actor: Mitr Chaibancha,Chao Klaewklong,Sawin Sawangrat,Adinan Singhiran,Sukon Koewliam,Krong Kangkengdaeng
Main actress: Aranya Namwong,Wassana Chalakorn

Thai movie เจ้าแม่สาริกา was released in year 1969. Thai actors and actresses featured in this movie are Mitr Chaibancha, Aranya Namwong, Wassana Chalakorn, ฤทธี นฤบาล, อุไรวรรณ จันทร์ทิพย์, บุษกร, Chao Klaewklong, วิน, Sawin Sawangrat, Adinan Singhiran, ขอใจ, Sukon Koewliam, Krong Kangkengdaeng. Movie director is เชษฐ ชัยชนะ. The movie is lost in Thailand but a sequence lasting 47 minutes (2 first reels only so the movie is incomplete) remains to be seen. The image is colorful and sharp. The remaining film is in 16mm format, so it is in mute state as such format requires live dubbing. A dubbed version was shown in Thai Film Archives in 2020. The story is a bit similar to to เจ้าแม่ตะเคียน or แก้วกาหลง. Kaew (แก้ว - Mitr Chaibancha) and Sarika (สาริกา - Wassana Chalakorn) marry as they love each other since a long time. Wit (วิทย์ - ฤทธี นฤบาล), local ruffian, is upset as he also loves Sarika but nothing he can do. On Sarika’s side, her younger sister Ranjuan (รัญจวน - Aranya Namwong) also likes secretly Kaew. After the wedding, Kaew receives a government assignment to be a soldier in Vietnam. Kaew goes fighting in Vietnam with his friend Pai (ไผ่ - วิน วิษณุรักษ์). Sarika is pregnant. One day she heard that through a letter that Kaew had disappeared during fighting in Vietnam. It makes Sarika very worried as she doesn’t know if Kaew is still alive or not. To change her mind, she goes wandering around the waterfall. Wit and Pikun (พิกุล - อุไรวรรณ จันทร์ทิพย์), a young lady loving Kaew, put in place a plan to get rid of Sarika. While Sarika is walking near the waterfall, an acolyte working for Wit pushes her. She falls and dies. Everybody thinks it is a suicide as Sarika was depressed after learning sad news about Kaew. While the funeral ceremony is happening, Kaew and Pai are coming back from Vietnam. Kaew meets a friend coming back from the ceremony. The friend is about to say that Sarika has died but her ghost appears, and the friend doesn’t dare to say anything to Kaew. Sarika behaves as if she was still alive. She brings Kaew to her parents’ house and pretends there is a relative’s funeral ceremony. Everybody is surprised as they thought Kaew died in Vietnam. Nobody dares to tell the truth to Kaew. Kaew goes back home and sleeps. Sarika and his baby are there. In the morning Kaew doesn’t see Sarika and his baby so he visits Ranjuan, who disclosed the truth to Kaew. The remaining film is ending there. The remaining part of the story can be found in old Thai cinema magazines. When Pikun knows that Kaew is back, she asks a shaman to make a love philter to seduce Kaew. She plans to kill him and to get his heritage. Ranjuan helps Kae. Gradually love merges between Kaew and Rajuan. It makes Sarika to be very upset (ออกอาละวาด) as she is afraid to lose Kaew. Villagers use a shaman to calm down Sarika but the sham has pity for Sarika. The shaman asks Kaew and Rajuan to talk to Sarika so that she can understand. Sarika finally understands and requests that a spirit house be built near the waterfall where she died so that there is proof of her love towards Kaew.

ThaiWorldView film database contains 1526 movies.
