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ผู้ชนะสิบทิศภาคสมบูรณ์ บุเรงนองถล่มหงสาวดี
ผู้ชนะสิบทิศภาคสมบูรณ์ บุเรงนองถล่มหงสาวดี

Year: 1967

Thai title: ผู้ชนะสิบทิศภาคสมบูรณ์ บุเรงนองถล่มหงสาวดี
English title: The Conqueror of Ten Directions III

Rating: 4/5
Director: Neramit

Main actor: Chaiya Suriyun,Chana Sriubon,Man Teeraphol,Rujira Isarangkul
Main actress: Pissamai Wilaisak,Metta Roongrat,Karuna Yuwakorn

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This is the last opus of The Conqueror of Ten Directions trilogy. Sadet receives armors and award from Chantra, king of Taungoo kingdom. Chantra, Chantra's sister, still loves Sadet. Kusuma, Phrae kingdom princess, who also loves Sadet, hears everything and leaves for Phrae kingdom. Despite honors given, Mantra is still unhappy with Sadet, following the former military defeats but can do nothing against Sadet as he is seen as a soldier with many virtues (ทหารบารมี). Sadet comes back officially to Taungoo kingdom. The monk mentor protects Sadet as Mantra has still not decided what to with Sadet. Recently Mantra indulges in alcohol. The two men are angry against each other. The war is still ongoing between Hongsawadee and Taungoo kingdoms. Sadet decide to ordain (บวช) to wash his sins and mistakes. Chantra visits him before ordination. They declare their love towards each other once again. Chantra refuses that Sadet ordinates as the kingdom is on war. Sadet captures Khairoo, head of Hongsawadee swordmen. Then Sadet visits Kusuma in Phrae kingdom. Sadet wishes to take Kusuma to Taungoo kingdom. Sadet wants to have both ladies, Chantra and Kusuma, as wives. Khairoo, head of Hongsawadee swordmen, flees from jail and kills the monk, who was the mentor of Sadet and Mantra. Sadet decide to destroy Hongsawadee kingdom as retaliation and defeats their army. Sopinya, Hongsawadee kingdom prince, and Khairoo make an alliance with another warlord to fight Taungoo kingdom. Sadet captures the warlord. The warlord changes alliance and Hongsawadee city is definitively destroyed. Mantra defeats and kills Hongsawadee's king (พระเจ้าสการะวุตพี). Sopinya and Khairoo pay for their sins and are killed. Sadet is also loved by another lady called Katima, who is commoner. Unfortunately seeing that there is no way she can get Sadet's love for her alone, Katima gets suicide. Mantra finally renunciates to the kingdom and Sadet becomes the new king of the three unified kingdoms. The whole trilogy is more than 7 hours long. Even if the 3 VCDs are full, the original movies were in fact cut to fit the VCD format, which means 2h30mn maximum. What a pity Lepso company never releases them in DVD format!

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