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ผ่าปืน 91
ผ่าปืน 91

Year: 1991

Thai title: ผ่าปืน 91
English title:

Rating: 4/5
Director: Chalong Pukdeewichit

Main actor: Chatchai Plengpanich,Morris K,Dam Datsakorn,Rith Luecha,Sombat Methanee,Manop Aussawathep,Krung Srivilai,Sithao Petcharoen
Main actress:

Thai movie ผ่าปืน 91 was released in year 1991. Movie is directed by Chalong Pukdeewichit. The Thai cable TV version lasts 1h23mn. The original version lasts 1h38mn. Ruffians led by Dam Datsakorn and Rith Luecha storm a warehouse to steal weapons. The warehouse guardian (Sithao Petcharoen) is shot dead and two policemen are killed while ruffians flee. Sombat Methanee, company chairman, asks support from Police Captain (ผู้กอง) Passakorn (Chatchai Plengpanich) as they worked together before. Passakorn and his colleague Maurice (Morris K - มอริส เค) enquiry about the company managing the logistics. The secretary Pawinee (ริสา หงษ์หิรัญ) is not cooperative. The company manager Kangwan (ผู้จัดการ - Manop Aussawathep) is away. The secretary leaves with a briefcase. The briefcase is stolen following a robbing. Passakorn and the secretary follow the robbers. The robbers are led by Dam, seconded by Rith. Passakorn is captured and is about to be killed (เช็คบิลได้เลย) but the secretary Pawinee and a Japanese policeman called Ken (อรรถชัย อนันตเมฆ) save him. Ken is Pawinee’s boyfriend. Passakorn meets again Sombat, who introduces him to his company manager Kangwan. Dam tries to get rid of Passakorn by threatening his girlfriend (อย่าให้พลาด) but it fails thanks to Maurice. Dam tries to embuscade Passakorn in a mall but he fails again as Krung Srivilai (คนที่หวังดี) provides some help to Passakorn. Passakorn wishes his girlfriend to find another job as she is working in a pub to welcome guests. Pawinee names Passakorn’s girlfriend as Mae Nak! Ruffians try to kill Passakorn and chairman Sombat but they fail again. While in a pub, Rith and ruffians storm it to kill Passakorn. His girlfriend is shot dead by Rith. Upset, Passakorn chases Rith but he is stunned by Dam before able to get revenge on Rith. On a boat, Passakorn discovers that the ruffians' big boss is Kangwan! Tied, Passakorn is thrown in the water. Pawinee, being an outstanding diver, saves him again. Kangwan comes to Pattaya to do business for weapons (อาวุธร้าย M48) with foreigners. Chased by ruffians, Passakorn and Pawinee get help from Krung. Ken betrays Pawinee by failing to put a timing bomb on Kangwan's boat. Kangwan and Dam are doing business at the Cambodian border. Thai navy tries to stop them but they take hostages. Fighting happens causing Kangwan and Dam to be killed. Krung, showing his real face, wishes to take over the weapons. In a last move to show he wasn’t a bad guy, Ken sacrifices his life to neutralize Krung.

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